Causes of suicide

Following are the main reasons for committing suicide.
1 Use of alcohol,cocain,opioid.

2 Lack of confidence

3 Isolation or pessimism
4 Feeling so much grieve
5 Sense of self failure
6 Hopelessness
7 Sleeplessness
8 Looseness of beloved one
9 Becoming global world man is going far away from himself
10 Want to be escape from the realities of life
verbal causes
1 "i am not able to live"
2 "you,just don,t understand"
3 "what will happen if die"
4 " i have lost the chance of life"
Hundred of sentences present which,evoke, are the cases of suicide.
Here is an other question that how people are committing suicide.
 Following are the way through people are destroying themselves.

1 Jump from the highest places
2 Hanging on
3 Lie on the roads and railway tracks
4 Use of pesticides
5 Diving into the river or sea
6 Burn himself
7 Overdose
8 Electric shots 
9 Using pistol
The most common places in the world that are known as suicide places.

1 San Francisco,s Golden gate
2 Toronto,s Bloor street viaduct
3 Japan,s Aokigahara Forest
4 England,s Beady head

Current state of suicide
                                             The present situation of suicide is worst. suicide bombs are being used by Muslim but they considers it martyrdom. World wide suicide rate have been enhanced 60% during the past four decades. It is the period of science and technology which is being bring prosperity and a lot of source of entertainment for human being but why the people committing suicide.

According to the AFSP report of 2011 the suicide rate in Asia 6.3/100,000 and in America 12.3/100,000. by sex its percentage is 79% in males and 21% in females. Japan 23/100,000 Russia 21.4 and china 11.8.
Most of the American military forces committing suicide because of long war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Suicide bombs are being extensively used. In most of the countries people are destroying themselves because of unemployment. In Pakistan suicide is the best way to get ride of all the crises.India is also victim of this curse .people are losing their life because of unemployment.hunger and poverty.

How we can stop this enhancing rate of suicide in the world.
Some Organizations are activated to stop the suicide rate in the world. most common organizations are

1 Samaritans

These organizations that are working, surveying,reporting and providing suggestions to prevent from the suicide.

solutions of suicide

1 Diagnosis and remedy of depression and alcohol.
2 Stop using of drugs.
3 Provided equal opportunity of employment.
4 Self development.
5 Set the programs to degraded the suicidal action.
6 Create affective and positive relationship in the society.
7 Increase the physical enjoying events.
8 Keep in view the activities of youth.
9 don't play with hearts.


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