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Showing posts with label Entertainment. Show all posts

How to Stop Procrastinating - Causes of Procrastinating

Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. The habit, procrastinating the doing of things, is one of the worst habits, most of the persons. How to stop procrastinating is the main question? We must resolve to do away with this habit. Otherwise, we shall not be able to lead this life fruitfully. A successful person is one who strikes the iron while it is hot. While procrastination is deleterious to individuals, it may be more baleful to groups, communities, and nations. Nations who do not utilize today remain for behind their competitors. As Allama Iqbal, a visionary poet said:

 “A nation is not capable of dealing with the hazards of tomorrow, in whose destiny lies not today.”

Causes of Procrastination

5 Basic Facts that are the Root of Procrastination

1.    Fear

Fear is the first and foremost cause of delay in taking an initial. Fear is and can be for some things such as fear of failure, fear of the outcome, fear of burden, fear of success, etc. Fear raises hesitation as fear and hesitation go together, and hesitation is the name more procrastination. The only solution to overcome fear is to face it and always be ready to say it welcome dear. 
“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” 

2.    Laziness

Laziness directly pushes a person into the world of ‘Utopia’ by making him dumber. It is a state of mind in which a person thinks that I’m not lazy, I’m highly motivated to do nothing. There is a tendency in the slothful to put off the finishing of a piece of work, implementation of a plan till another time.  

3.    Lack of the Maturity of Mind

Most of the persons are the prey of procrastination instead of having enough ambition. It is because they do not have the maturity of mind especially the young. It is possible for a young man to have a mature mind, but such is seldom in the case. One should have the inclination to accept the tasks and what, just let them start. “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

4.    Lack of Focus

Once you lose your focus, and things will become less importance to you. It is a general view that we must concentrate on important issues, and you already are not ready to accept your tasks as worthy enough to implementation. Thus leaving all of them one by one sans being started even one.

5.    Lack of Self Confidence

To be, or not to, that is the question. People become prey to procrastination because they do not have self-confidence. They tremble upon the situation by thinking whether they can handle a task or not.


Effects of Procrastination

The immediate effect of procrastination is that you miss your opportunity sans knowing your loss. The circumstances may change, and you may have to repent later on over the fact that you missed the opportunity.  

Procrastination creates tension in the mind. If you do right now what you have to do, it will relieve you of that tension.
Sometimes procrastination may prove tragic and change to the good side of your career to a bad one.
When procrastination becomes a habit of mind, all cheerfulness, and carefree living goes out of life, and we live a life or perpetual tension, which indeed is not a life worth living at all. As Nelson Mandela said;

“There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the     one you are capable of living.” 

Procrastination blunts the edge of urge for action.

How to Not Procrastinate

6 Fundamental Ways to Stop Procrastinate

1)    No More Lethargy how to not procrastinate

First of all, it is imperative for us to shake off slothfulness altogether. One must be up and do. Indulgence in luxurious and sluggishness will burn the quality of progress. Nothing great can be expected from one who does not understand the value of a minute. Laurels in life are gathered through the utilization of every moment, second or minute of life. Procrastination is half conquered when one gets over torpidity.  “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

2)    Planning of Work to stop Procrastinate

To ward off procrastination, one must plan one’s work. Detailed planning is necessary to get the fruitful outcome. The entire gamut of work may be broken into pieces and time fixed for every piece to be taken up. This will facilitate the satisfactory completion of the work and the work thus done will be very much satisfying, invigorating and through.

3)    Perfectionism in stopping Procrastination

If you are waiting for the exact moment or you are trying to become perfect for the task you are just wasting your time and nothing else. Listen to me don’t want to be perfect because perfection leaves no room for development. If you want to write just start, if you want to climb just do and do not waste time. As Nelson Mandela said;
“After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.”

4)    Always be Motivated to stop Procrastination

People often detracted in the middle of the work and it is because of the lack of interest and motivation. Get some refreshment but know how much time you should spend. Tell others about your goals such as friends, colleagues, and relatives; it will provide you a whole episode of motivation.   

5)    Know Yourself

Procrastination usually comes in two forms. There’s:

1.    Difficulty in starting a task

2.    Getting distracted while working on a task

They both follow a similar pattern of self-rationalization.

•    You tell yourself “I really need to get started on this.”
•    You feel stressed.
•    You feel an urge to do something else, so you tell yourself “I’ll get started soon, but I can afford another 5 minutes doing this one other thing.” 

6)    Now the Time is Right

Stop reading articles about how to overcome procrastination and just get to work. As Kabir’s advice is; “what you have to do tomorrow, do today; what you have to do today, do it now. The Day of Judgment may come at any moment, when will you do it then.” 

Procrastination Quotes

8 Most Influential Procrastination Quotes

“My life is a monument to procrastination, to the art of putting things off until later, or much later, or possibly never.”             Craig Brown

”Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill.”  Christopher Parker

“Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder.”       Mason Cooley

“Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.”     Napoleon Hill

“My biggest regret could be summed up in one word, and that's procrastination.”    Ron Cooper

“Procrastination is the thief of time.”          Edward Young

“You may delay, but time will not.”     Benjamin Franklin

“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”      Abraham Lincoln

Now you have all the essential and deeper aspects of procrastination, how to stop procrastinating, how to not procrastinate?  8 most influential procrastination quotes, causes of procrastination along with basic facts that are the root of procrastination, just try them to get rid of from the habit of delay. Actually, with most of the readers, the problem is that they just read articles and do not practice those. It is also because the habit of delay. Please, guys, give me a favor and start practicing these valuable steps.

Laughter is the Best Medicine, Sources of Humor and How Humor and Laughter Remove the Dark Side of Life

                        When the melancholy fit shall fall
                        Sudden from heaven like a weeping cloud
                        Then glut thy sorrow on a morning rose
                       Or on the rainbow of the salt sand-wave     (John Keats)

In life, there is no room for sorrow and misery as the life of man in this world is transient. During this short sojourn on this earth, man has to undergo a variety of experiences and the major part of his life is preoccupied with struggle, striving, sorrow, and suffering. He enjoys happiness certainly, but only for a limited period. People always perceive a multitude of sorrows on the horizon and do not live life at all. It is here that Laughter can be the best medicine and it comes to our aid. Humor is certainly the elixir of life. Laugh once a day, and keep the doctor away because laughter is the best medicine of human life.

1- Who said Laughter is the Best Medicine

The name of the writer who first coins this quote is unknown. However, this quote finds its origin from the quote of Henry Ward Beecher “Mirth is God’s best medicine.”

2- Laughter is a Strong Activity for Mind and Body

“Laughter activates the body’s natural relaxation response. It’s like internal jogging, providing a good massage to all internal organs while also toning abdominal muscles,” says DR. Gulshan Sethi. Chuckling is an important tool to keep away stress, anxiety and tension by refreshing the mind. A fresh and relaxed mind is the birth land of humongous and zealous ideas and sans healthy cackling; you cannot make your mind and body calm and relax. Guffawing lightens your unhealthy burdens, make you fit in the society and connect other peoples to your active persona.

3- Immediate Benefits of Laughter

  • A healthy laugh can relieve physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
  •  Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
  •  Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.
  •  You can’t feel anxious, angry, or sad when you’re laughing.
  •  It reduces stress and increases energy, enabling you to stay focused and accomplish more.
  • Humor gets you out of your head and away from your troubles.
  • Laughter helps you forget judgments, criticisms, and doubts.

4- Real Benefits of Laughter

“A smile starts on the lips; a grin spreads to the eyes, a chuckle comes from the belly; but a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, Overflows, and bubbles all around.” Carolyn Birmingham

  • Laughter makes life as beautiful as Paradise

Our sojourn on this planet is very short. Let us make the best of it and the most of it. The golden rule must be: live and let live. This can be possible only when we possess an adequate sense of humor then laughter is the best medicine. A truly wise man laughs his sorrows away. He makes others also laugh and thereby contributes in driving out their miseries also. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said; “Earth laughs in flowers.”

  • Humor Enhances Immunity Power

Humor also has a physiological aspect which makes a man healthy and vigorous. A man in humor has his thyroid and parathyroid glands in an active state. The secretions of these glands exercise make a salutary effect on the health, both physical and mental. The therapeutic value of humor is a natural corollary. Many diseases can be cured by putting the patient on a healthy dose of humor.
“A day without laughter is a day wasted.”  Charlie Chaplin

  • Laughter Connects an Individual to Humanity

Humor is positive emotion and thus makes for progress and understanding. A single loving and practicing giggling consciously or unconsciously sees the whole life as one and therefore, in his schemes of things there is no room for hatred, ill-will and enmity. To such an individual, no man is an island entirely of him but is a part of the main. As John Donne said;
“Every man’s death diminishes me for I am involved in mankind.”

  • Humor Creates Social Equality

Humor has also served and still the primary purpose of social equality. Jokes can be cut with the equals and thus where there is humor the difference of high and low disappears.
“He deserves Paradise, who makes his companions laugh.” — Koran

  • Humor Establishes Peace

Humor is a special gift of God to humanity; the animal world is deprived of. It makes us generous and human, sociable and acceptable. Where there is humor, there is peace. Peace is the healthy and natural quality of human being, so all humor. Violence begins where humor ends.

  • Laughter Boosts Love

Love and Laughter are nectar, drink deep at them. One who hasn’t proper humor cannot be a real lover. So, if you love someone, ensure that you have humor in appropriate measure; otherwise, your beloved wouldn’t return the love you expect.  As John Keats said;
 “If thy mistress some rich anger shows, Emprison her soft hand, and let her rave,
  And feed deep, deep upon her peerless eyes.”

5- Bottlenecks in the way of Laughter

  •   A negative attitude towards everything makes an individual restrict and narrow mind. This thing poses an end to his sense of humor and the quality of cackling.
  •  Fear creates insecurity and hesitation in human mind hence, is responsible for keeping people away from most of the enjoyments.
  •  Personality complex of an individual is the one which stands directly in the way of laughter.
  •  Seriousness, especially too much seriousness is dangerous not only to pleasure seeking quality of man but also to the progress.
  •  The world is full of unfavorable incidents and man’s laughter has lost somewhere in those incidents.

6- Sources of Humor and Laughter

All you need in the world is love and laughter. That's all anybody needs. Have love in one hand and laughter in the other.  August Wilson

  • Positive Attitude for Laughter

Permanent sources of Humor, there is nothing right or wrong but thinking makes it so. If only we could adapt a positive attitude to life, see the beauty and the grace of the Maker in it, perceive the drama so ingeniously woven in the Matrix, life would all become a blessing, a supreme gift to be fully lived and enjoyed.

  • Past Laughter Memories

A collection of sweet memories is a priceless treasure. To recall them in leisure time one can enjoy a good time of laughter.

  • Laughter from Nature

Nature always stands as your good friend and passionate lover. Nature never did betray a heart that loved her. Nature provides laughter to man as a whole. As William Wordsworth rightly said;
“The world is too much with us; late and soon, getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: Little we see in Nature that is ours.”    

  • Literature is the Best Source of Laughter

Literature and the in the particular literature that contains content of humor is a good source of healthy laughter.

  • Movies and TV Laughter Shows

Fun, rich movies and comedy shows can make your additional time beautiful by making your body and mind refresh and tension less.

  • Fun and Laughter Activities

Playing with a pet, going to a ‘laughter yoga’ class and doing something silly are helpful to enjoy laughter.

The world would indeed be a beautiful place to live in if every one of us acquired the ability to create humor  & laughter and the propensity of being the subject of humor. In short, we should always remember the transient nature of life and hence should strive to laugh and make others cackle. Here just keep in mind Laughter is the Best Medicine by utilizing all the Permanent sources of Humor in this material era so drive away all despondency and chortle. Remember: laugh and the whole world laughs with you, weep, and you weep alone. 

Unveiling the Reality: Most Common Places of Suicide in the World

Suicide, a deeply troubling and intricate problem, affects people from all walks of life, transcending borders and cultures. It's crucial to understand the locations where suicide incidents frequently occur to develop effective prevention strategies. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the most common places of suicide in the world, shedding light on specific locations like San Francisco's Golden Gate, Toronto's Bloor Street Viaduct, Japan's Aokigahara Forest, and England's Beachy Head.

The most common places in the world that are known as suicide places.
In these places people go to commit suicide by different sources.

Most Common Places of Suicide in the World

Residential Areas:

Homes, considered sanctuaries, sadly witness a substantial number of suicides. Feelings of isolation and family-related problems can lead individuals to this heartbreaking decision within the familiarity of their own homes.

Bridges and High Structures:

Bridges and tall structures often become grim choices for those contemplating suicide. The accessibility and anonymity they offer contribute to their unfortunate notoriety. Various regions have taken preventive measures, such as installing safety nets and crisis hotline phones, to reduce these incidents.

Railways and Train Stations:

Railway tracks and stations unfortunately witness a significant number of suicide attempts. The accessibility, speed, and lethality of trains make them tragically common choices for those seeking an end.

Forests and Natural Settings:

Tranquil natural environments like forests paradoxically attract individuals contemplating suicide. The seclusion of these places sometimes makes it difficult for authorities to monitor and prevent such incidents.

Educational Institutions:

Schools, colleges, and universities, where young people spend a considerable amount of time, become locations for suicide attempts. Academic pressure and bullying contribute to the distressing statistics within educational settings.

Prisons and Correctional Facilities:

Inmates in prisons and correctional facilities often struggle with mental health issues and feelings of hopelessness. The confined environment can exacerbate these feelings, leading to a higher incidence of suicide attempts within these institutions.

Specific Most Common Places of Suicide in the World

1 San Francisco,s Golden gate

The iconic Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is unfortunately notorious for suicide attempts. The bridge's accessibility and height have made it a tragically common location for those contemplating suicide.

Most Common Places Of Suicide in The World

Toronto,s Bloor Street viaduct

Toronto's Bloor Street Viaduct has witnessed a significant number of suicide attempts over the years. Authorities have taken steps to address this issue, including installing barriers to deter such incidents.

Most Common Places

Japan,s Aokigahara Forest

Aokigahara Forest in Japan, also known as the "Suicide Forest," is sadly renowned for its high number of suicide cases. The dense forest and its secluded nature make it challenging for authorities to prevent these incidents effectively.

Most Common Places Of Suicide in The World

4 England,s Beady head

Beachy Head, a stunning cliff in England, unfortunately, attracts individuals contemplating suicide due to its height and proximity to the sea. Local organizations and authorities are actively involved in suicide prevention efforts in this area.

Most Common Places Of Suicide


Understanding the most common places of suicide in the world where suicide occurs is vital for creating effective preventive measures and providing much-needed support to those in distress. By raising awareness, promoting mental health initiatives, and fostering a supportive community, we can collectively work towards reducing suicide rates and offering hope to individuals facing despair. Together, we can build a world where everyone feels valued, supported, and resilient in the face of life's challenges.


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