Ten Inspirational and Motivational Quotes

Life is the most beautiful element of the universe and instead of trying to escape man must face life and its realities with appetite and fondness. There are some things which motivated me to go forward and cross the long desert of life. The following 10 Favorite Inspirational / Motivational Quotes are one of such motivational things:

1- “To be, or not to be: that is the question:”      W. Shakespeare

It has always been motivating to me since my boyhood. It provides me a force to start work without hesitation and any kind of insecurity. It is true that every person has an inclination towards ambivalence, but examples like to be, or not to be: can help a person shed their fear and demurral. What I do is only to recall the misery of Prince Hamlet and think I don’t want to be like that.


“There is no one, whom fortune does not visit once in his life, but when she does find him ready to receive her, she walks in at the door and flies out at the window.”

Though life is beautiful but has a bumpy and rough road and hence a person must face the adversities of life. you may like 10 Favorite Inspirational/Motivational Quotes. But it does not mean that one does not have a chance to achieve his goals. One finds and must find opportunities but when he/she gets ready to utilize that opportunity. It is the wisest tip to me which makes me alert to face the realities of life.

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“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”  H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

It is one of the most common yet an important fact of life that without making a proper use of today one, hardly, can acquire his/her goals. That is why this quote makes me feel alive every day, and I find myself a new person at the dawn of every day. Amazing things were going to start as I felt a genuine spirit of this quote.


“If we are to achieve we must look for the opportunity in every difficulty, instead of difficulty in every opportunity.”

After making this quote a part of my life, I realized the core facet of failure. It is very common in people to present some lame excuses; the onerous and grueling nature of things, among them, is the most common one. But success can be acquired only by taking right decisions at the right time and not with lame excuses. That’s why I try my level best not to waste any opportunity of my life.  


“Man can be destroyed but not defeated.”            E. Hemingway

This quote makes me feel proud, that I’m a human being, because of its thought provoking nature. The word failure does not occur in the dictionary of man, who has the will and courage to forge struggle against the adversities of life. Earnest Hemingway beautifully defined the quality of man-the supreme creature of God, that he could perish himself but not accept defeat or get brow beaten at the hands of defeat. Hence, I think, there is a lot of veracity in the truth of the statement at hand.


“My books are friends that never failed me.”      Thomas Carlyle

It gives me a shelter from all the muddles of life. Hence, I find it the wisest as well as coolest of all the ideas. A number of people, among us, have been experienced that man can be destroyed by his friends but not by his books. This idea, itself, is beautiful because books reveal the accumulated human wisdom and experience.

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“Zeal is a potential power and nothing is more powerful than that. There is nothing that cannot be achieved in this world by a zealous pursuit.”

I always find myself under the spell of this quote. I feel this is all that I have to me. Most of the people don’t know that where to go, what to do and it is due to their lack of awareness. First of all have something in mind to do then do it with full fervor. With the help of this quote, I found the real avidity of my persona.


“Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

This quote provided me the actual course of life with almost a secure chain of steps and everybody can take them with the same kind of easiness. From this one, I learned that do not worry from the hurdles of your goals but do what is the need of the hour. Though this process would take time 
remember one thing slow and steady always wins the race. 


“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

The most precious and the wisest act of human being is to help the humanity, and Maya Angelo Makes me stunned by spotlighting the real impression of this act with her words. The real beauty of the quote lies in the fact that it takes a small time to be a rainbow for someone but it provides true happiness to that person by making his/her minute, moment, an hour or a day as beautiful as he/she dreams.


“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

With the help of this quote John F. Kennedy made people realize that what kind of worth they have and what kind of role they must play. After encountering this quote, I started to believe in myself that I am a product of passion, and I can do a lot of things not only to my country but also for my fellow beings. There are a number of quotes that are the real expression of the true motives of life, and this one is one of among them.  

These are the quotes that provide me motivation and inspiration. You can find your 10 favorite inspirational / motivational quotes by exploring your inner self.


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